Family Support in the time of Family Crisis: Fathers Custody Rights – Denton County – Texas

Where do our Families stand with all of this child custody litigation? Unfortunately, my Parents have passed and all they can do is roll over in their graves when they see the destruction of my Family. I’m sure they are very disappointed. My Sister has been a Godsend. She is the definition of “support”. I can’t believe I allowed myself to drift apart from her over the years I was married. She hasn’t taken to my girls because she is supposed to or because it is the right thing to do. It’s easy to see she loves them wholehearted. Of course we are talking about my Baby Girls here:)

The in-laws? Two of them are preachers, one retired after 40 years. I haven’t heard from mom-in-law one time since I lost my Family – not once. I haven’t heard from dad-in-law one time since I lost my Family – not once. I haven’t heard from sister-in-law 1 one time since I lost my Family – not once. I haven’t heard from sister-in-law 2 one time since I lost my Family – not once.

Pastor James Burcham

Its a full year later and not once, have any of them called and said “Harry, what’s going on with you and my daughter, my sister? I know there are two sides to every story.” Or, “Harry, I heard about what happened with you and my daughter, my sister are you okay?” Or, “what can I do to help you and my daughter, my sister with your marriage“. Or, “what can I do to help you family stay together“? Or, “what can I do to help so your Family doesn’t get destroyed and so your Children don’t have to grow up with only one parent?” NOT ONCE! And they say they love my Children. REALLY? They should be ashamed of themselves. If one of my Daughters was having problems in her marriage, especially if she had children, I would do anything and everything possible to help them save their marriage and their family. Period!

Roseane Burcham

The in-laws can’t call or offer to help me but I see they are on the witness list to testify against me at my child custody hearing – testifying to all the made up and false reasons why I’m not a good Father to my Children. They haven’t seen me in five years and two of my Daughters are only seven years old. How can they possibly testify as to what kind of Father I am? They are going to look like fools in front of the entire courtroom, the jury and everybody that learns, hears or sees this case play out.

I couldn’t care less if I ever hear from these exceedingly selfish people for the rest of my days but I will be the bigger person and let them visit my Baby Girls after I get them back so they can nurture some type of relationship with them. My Girls don’t know what kind of people they are yet and they love them very much. As my Children get older they will learn what type of people my in-laws really are and what really happened and that will be the end of their relationship. The pastors should be embarrassed to walk into Church next Sunday. They should all be embarrassed to walk out of their front doors. I guess they don’t know that marriage is a lifetime commitment made between two people and God. I will let God deal with them while I focus on fighting for and providing for the three most important people in my life – my Baby Girls.       

Burcham Family

Daddy’s Daughters “TAKEN” – Judge Say’s Dad Doesn’t Have Enough Money To Keep His Children!

Hating The Judge? Denton County Child Custody

Judge Forces Father to Choose Between an Attorney and His Children  

Never trust a woman who has broken up her family for personal happiness.  

She is loyal to no one.

Not you, not God, Not even her own blood children.

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